Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Keep Your Pants On!

My pants are currently being held up by a binder clip. This morning I lost the top button on my pants while at work. I gingerly made my way down the hall trying to act super casual with my hand on my hip, secretly holding my britches until I could make it to the supply closet. From my previous post one would think that I would learn to keep safety pins in my possession, but I’m a slow learner. Especially considering that I had a button issue a few weeks ago at an office meeting. We all know that office meetings are not the most exciting things in the world. The interest level lies somewhere between getting one’s teeth cleaned and watching a Parakeet groom itself. But I found a way to keep everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed! This particular meeting started the same way they always do, everyone trying desperately to stay awake, drooling into their coffee cups while someone runs through a list of updates and new procedures. Then my turn to speak came and everyone suddenly came to attention. I of course thought it was my dynamic personality and ebullient speaking abilities that held everyone engrossed. I was sorely mistaken. It wasn’t until I was walking out of the meeting that I noticed things were a bit breezier near my chestular region. Ah ha, it was not the security topic I had presented that everyone was so interested in, but something else that I had unwittingly shared with the entire office. The first button on my blouse had managed to undo itself leaving me exposed to everyone. The wide eyes and smiles of my co-workers were not for me, but for my two lady friends who had decided to make this meeting a party! The best part is no one said a word about it. I redressed myself and we all went on with life as thought nothing ever happened.

1 comment:

  1. I love the part about your two lady friends turning the meeting into a party !
