Sunday, December 1, 2013

Clap on, Clap off

Anyone who knows me knows how I love lists.  Lists are everywhere in my house and at my cubical.  They are on sticky notes, white boards, old napkins, receipts, my hand, my phone........ I make lists of anything and everything that pops into my ridiculous and cluttered brain.  Today I am going to share with you a list of things that make me feel old.

1. Kids that I babysat are now getting married.  Nothin' like reality smacking me in the face.

2. Songs I listened to growing up are now on the classic rock station.

3. Boy Bands are considered "old school".

4. Technology frustrates me.  Seriously I don't get apps, what is the point?  Though I will say I do like texting, but I think it's causing arthritis in my thumbs.

5. Everything in my body hurts.

6. I have a set bedtime and it's before midnight.

7. Cellulite.

8. I worry about the light bill going up.

9. Not only am I on several different medications but it's hard for me to remember which ones I have already taken for the day.

10. Now days I opt for staying in rather than going out.

11. Everything gives me indigestion.

12. I complain about how kids dress these days and have no respect or sense of responsibility. 

13. I don't "get" hipsters.

14. Consuming caffeine after 4pm will keep me up all night. 

15. I read Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, and Ender's Game before they were movies.

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